To make an application for admission to Uxbridge High School, please apply online at This website also has additional information for parents applying to secondary schools, as well as open evening dates.
Admission to YEAR 7
Uxbridge High School has one main year for admissions. Children are admitted into the National Curriculum Year 7 at the age of 11.
The governors have agreed to process applications for admission to Uxbridge High School in Year 7 according to the co-ordinated admissions scheme managed by the London Borough of Hillingdon Education Authority.
IN YEAR admissions FOR YEARS 7 to 11
Uxbridge High School is a successful, over-subscribed school. All year groups are full and we hold a waiting list. Some places may become available during the year and parents can apply for in-year admission online at
Places will be offered and filled from our waiting list in line with our admissions criteria. Once your child's application has been added to the waiting list approximately 10 days after applying), you may contact the school to ask where they are on the waiting list. We ask that you only contact the school via email to once per month to see if the waiting list place has changed.
The school will only accept online applications and cannot take applications in person. Please be aware that your child's application may move up and down on the waiting list, as further applications are received and our admissions criteria applied to them.
Your application will not be removed from a waiting list, unless you request this or do not respond to correspondence that is sent to your email address termly.
Please see our up-to-date admissions policies under policies in the 'our school' tab.
Admissions Procedure
The procedure for deciding which children to admit will be carried out by Uxbridge High School and you will be notified of the result of your application by your Local Authority Admissions Team.
Should you apply for, but not be offered a place for your child at Uxbridge High School, you can request appeals information to be sent to you, after you are notified of the result of your application, please see below.
If it has not been possible to offer your child a place at Uxbridge High School, you have the right, by law, to appeal to an independent appeal panel.
When considering whether to appeal, it is important that you are aware that although the law allows you to have the opportunity to appeal against admission decisions, it does not give your child the right to a place at a particular school. There is no guarantee that your appeal will be successful. If you are appealing for a place at Uxbridge High School, you should make arrangements for a place at an alternative school in case your appeal is unsuccessful. Accepting a place at another school does not affect your right to appeal for a place at Uxbridge High School.
School admissions page of will explain your rights regarding admission to schools.
An Appeal Pack should be requested in writing from Uxbridge High School by 31st March for the September transition. Appeals will be accepted after this deadline, but they may be heard at a later date.
Appellants will receive at least 10 school days' notice of their appeal hearing.
If you would like to submit additional evidence, we would ask that you do so no later than 5 school days' before the hearing. This is so that evidence can be sent to all parties a reasonable time before the hearing.
Decision letters will be sent within 5 school days of the hearing wherever possible.
For information regarding transition events held at Uxbridge High School for students joining us in September, please see the link on the right hand side of this page - moving up to secondary school. This will be updated during the summer term.