Imperial War Museum

A group of Year 9 students visited the Imperial War Museum on February 9th 2017. Travelling by coach into central London, it was a chance for students to get a further insight into topics they have been studying in History. Upon arrival the group of 61 students was split into two smaller groups, with half visiting the historical displays on World War I exhibition, whilst the other half started in the Holocaust exhibition. The groups then swapped around after having had lunch.
For the World War I exhibition, students were tasked with completing a 'Treasure Hunt' worksheet, noting down many key facts about the war: how and why it started; where the battles were fought and how it eventually came to an end. Students visiting the Holocaust exhibition gained a further insight into how Hitler rose to power and how his ideas spread throughout Europe, ultimately affecting people all around the world. The personal stories of those who lived through the Holocaust were particularly harrowing.
Students spent their spare time viewing many of the museums other exhibitions and of course in the gift shops!
The behaviour of every student was exemplary, doing themselves and Uxbridge High School proud.