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Arbor Parent Portal and App                       Picture

Communicating with parents/carers is an important part of what we do, so that you know what is happening in school for your child and the community.

We have chosen Arbor to help us manage our school. Arbor is a simple, smart and cloud-based MIS (Management Information System), which helps us to work faster, smarter and more collaboratively as a school. The Parent App and Parent Portal mean we can keep you informed about your child’s life at school, in a much more accessible way. 

​The Parent Portal is a version of Arbor accessible to parents and carers on a laptop or computer.  The Arbor App is the mobile version of our Parent Portal, for use on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. 

What can the Arbor Portal and App be used for?

You can use Arbor to:

  • Take a look at your child’s key attendance information, including their average attendance for the year so far;
  • Edit contact details for your child, such as your home address or phone number;
  • Register your child for an upcoming school trip;
  • Manage your child’s payment accounts and pay for trips directly;
  • Add new medical information about your child​.
  • Book slots at parent/guardian consultations (this option will be enabled at a later date)

Logging in for the first time

To login into the Parent Portal for the first time and view your child’s dashboard, open the Arbor log in page.

Click the “first time logging in” option in the bottom left corner.

  1. Enter your email address.  This must be the address the school has on record for you;
  2. Click “set password”;
  3. Remember that you need to set up your Arbor parent account in a normal browser, so that you can enter your child’s date of birth when the pop-up window appears;
  4. Once you have set your password, you need to agree to the terms and conditions to proceed to your dashboard.

Once you have logged in, we recommend that you save the Arbor Log In page to your favourites or bookmarks, so you can access it easily in future.  

On your first login only, you will need to enter your child’s date of birth to access the dashboard.

Having trouble logging in? Contact us and we will try and help you ( ​

Forgotten your password?

Open the Arbor log in page.

  1. Click the “forgot your password?” option;
  2. Enter your email address.  This must be the address the school has on record for you;
  3. Click “request password reset”;
  4. Check your email and follow the steps in the email sent from Arbor.

Download the app

Whilst you can access Arbor from a browser window on an iPad, iPhone or other mobile device, it works better through the Parent App or via the Parent Portal on a computer.

  1. Visit the Arbor login page or download the Arbor Parent Portal App to your mobile phone or tablet either via Apple App Store or the Google Play Store;
  2. Enter your email address;
  3. Enter the password you set when you first registered.

Download the Arbor App

Download Arbor – Google Play Store
‎Download Arbor - iOS App Store

More than one child at Uxbridge High School?


If you are the Primary Guardian for more than one child in the school, you can access and view each child through the same portal, by clicking on the name at the drop-down menu with the children’s names in the top-left of the home page, then change sibling.

​On doing this for the first time, you will need to enter your other child’s date of birth to access their dashboard.

Accordion content

More than one child at Uxbridge High School?


If you are the Primary Guardian for more than one child in the school, you can access and view each child through the same portal, by clicking on the name at the drop-down menu with the children’s names in the top-left of the home page, then change sibling.

​On doing this for the first time, you will need to enter your other child’s date of birth to access their dashboard.

Have a child at more than one school using Arbor?

​When you log into the Parent Portal or the Arbor App, you can see details about your children that attend one school using Arbor.

If you have two children attending the same school, you can easily switch between students in the app or on the portal.

If you have children at more than one school, your experience of logging into the Parent Portal and Arbor App will be a little different. If you use the same email address at both schools, you will be asked which school you want to log into when you log into the app or portal.

You won't be able to switch between children on the portal or app if they attend two different schools.   This is because each guardian at each school will have a separate profile and account.   

Further information can be found on the Arbor website.

Communications via Arbor

  • Arbor allows the school to send emails and SMS to parents through the system
  • How to check for important communications from UHS regarding your child

Booking trips or clubs with Arbor

Follow the instructions below to register a child for a club using the Parent Portal or Parent App.

Please note that once you have signed up, you will need to contact the school if you would like to cancel participation or would like a refund.

On the Parent Portal

From the main Parent Portal page, scroll down to the Activities section and click on the field with the child’s name and Clubs in.
The All Clubs page will list any clubs the child is currently a member of and any clubs that are currently open for them to join. 
Click on the club to open up that club’s information page.


From the slide over menu that will appear, choose the membership period (there will only be a single choice!)
Next, choose which sessions to sign your child up for (this will be the half term block).

Finally, confirm your choices and click to pay. The club place won't be confirmed until you have made payment.

You will then be taken to the card payment system to make your payment

​Once the payment is completed, you'll see confirmation that the transaction has been successful.

You will then be returned to the club's information page, where the new membership will now be displayed.
On the Parent App

To sign up for a club, click the menu icon at the bottom left of your screen. Select Clubs.
You can then see a list of any clubs the child is currently a member of and any clubs that are currently open for them to join. 

Click on the club to open up that club’s information page.
Click a club to access the Club Overview. Click Register For This Club to sign up.
Next, choose which sessions to sign your child up for (this will be the half term block).

​Finally, confirm your choices and click to pay. The club place won't be confirmed until you have made payment.

You will then be taken to the card payment system to make your payment

​Once the payment is completed, you'll see confirmation that the transaction has been successful.

Topping up accounts and viewing payments

You can manage accounts for any area of Arbor your school has set up to receive payments for. Here you can also make payments and top up accounts. For more information on making payments, see our articles on registering for a club and registering for a trip.

Please note that once you have topped up, you will need to contact your school if you would like to move money to a different account or would like a refund.

To see all outstanding balances across all you children's' accounts, click the balance on your homepage. Top Tip: This will show as £0.00 if the balances are all 0 or all positive.

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This will show as £0 if the balances are all 0 or all positive.

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On this page you can see:

  • Any trips with an amount outstanding (e.g. if instalments have been set up for the trip and only 1 out of the 3 instalments have been paid, so there is still an amount outstanding for that trip).
  • Any clubs with an amount outstanding (if club sessions are booked but not yet paid for).
  • Any top-up or prepayment accounts (such as Meals or Wraparound care) with a negative balance.
  • Any top-up or prepayment accounts (such as Meals or Wraparound care) with a positive balance.

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To see accounts for one of your children, you can either:

  • Select Payments from your Quick Actions.
  • Select the child from the drop-down in the top left, and select the account from your homepage.
  • Click on the child's name to go to their profile, and select Payments > Active Payments from the left-hand menu. You can then select the account.

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When looking at the meals account, clicking on a meal will load a slide over with details of the lunches taken that day.

You can select a specific Term using the Term drop-down menu at the top-right of the page.

To make a Card Payment, click on the Top up account button.

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A slide over will load, where you can select the bill payer and payment amount. Please note the minimum payment amount is £2.

You can choose to pay now or to add your payment to your basket to pay later.

Top Tip: Can't click the button? Follow this article: I can't click the button to pay?



In the pop-up, add in your card details then click Pay.



You may have to then authenticate your identity for the payment to go through. This is a requirement of the recently introduced Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) regulations

If authentication is needed for the payment, you will be prompted to authenticate the payment using the method of authentication your bank supports. This could be:

  • an SMS code,
  • your mobile banking app 
  • another method

For example, here's what it may look like if you're using Monzo. (Please note, we are not affiliated with Monzo, this is purely an example)



Once we've been able to confirm your identity, the payment will be completed and your card will be charged. You'll see confirmation that the transaction has been successful.

The meals balance will be updated to reflect the top-up right away. 



The Invoices section on the parent portal will load a table with all invoices for the current term. 

You can select a specific Term using the Term drop-down menu at the top-right of the page.

You will be able to see details of the invoices and the status of each invoice - whether they have been Cancelled or Paid.   

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The Top-ups page on the parent portal will load the current terms top-ups made for that particular student.

You can select a specific Term using the Term drop-down menu at the top-right of the page.

The page will show the type of top-up made, this can vary from Card (made by you or another Primary Guardian) to Cash or Cheque (logged by the school).

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The Credit Notes page on the parent portal will load a table with all the credit notes for the current term. 

You can select a specific Term using the Term drop-down menu at the top-right of the page. A table will appear showing details of the credit notes.

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For more support and help using Arbor, please visit the Arbor Help Centre / Arbor Trouble Shooting